Spring has sprung, and that means the cooling season is right around the corner.
As we transition from boots and gloves to flip-flops and bathing suits, our air conditioners also need to “change” for the warmer weather ahead. From replacing filters to cleaning out debris, it’s important to ensure that our heating and air conditioning system, called an HVAC system (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), is running at its best during the sweltering summer months.
So why do so many of us skip out on this essential home maintenance service?
It’s understandable if we’re wary of the expense: after spending $10,000 to $20,000 to install the heating and air conditioning system, conducting maintenance isn’t exactly what we want to spend our money on, especially since the system is brand new. However, it is the responsible thing to do: without regular HVAC maintenance services, even a brand-new system can quickly fall into disrepair.
Why is heating and air conditioning service so important?
It’s bad enough when the air conditioning breaks on a 100-degree day. It’s even worse to learn that it could have been prevented with cleaning, check-ups and overall care.
The reason for HVAC maintenance services is simple: spend a little now — and save a lot down the line — because spring and fall maintenance ensures that we can avoid a totally preventable air conditioning meltdown.
A lot can happen to an HVAC system over the cold, snowy winter months. Dirt and debris can clog the condensing unit, slowing down or completely stopping the fan needed to create cold air. Filters wear out and stop working effectively. Parts can come loose. Ductwork can start to wear out.
All these “little things” can add up to big problems. No matter how new your HVAC system may be, ignoring the heating and air conditioning service schedule can cause it to depreciate faster, impacting your home’s overall value. Not to mention, an out-of-tune system can cost a lot of money to operate when it’s not running at peak efficiency. In the summertime, up to half of our electric bills are already due to running the AC — that’s a major chunk of change that could have bought dinner at a nice restaurant or put in your family vacation fund! Why not take advantage of an opportunity to bring down that bill?

A well-maintained HVAC system keeps your home healthy and running efficiently.
Safety is a concern as well. More than 2,000 home fires each year, totaling $55 million in property damage, are traced back to air conditioners, including central air systems. The National Fire Protection Association — and contractors, HVAC professionals and home improvement experts — recommend regular heating and air conditioning service to ensure that everything is operating safely.
It’s clear that your HVAC system needs a regular tune-up in the springtime, but which essential HVAC maintenance services are necessary, and why?
What’s included in heating and air conditioning service?
HVAC maintenance services cover thorough testing, cleaning and inspection of all components from condensing unit to filter. What are some of the basic items included in the best HVAC maintenance services packages?
- Balance the AC system. After months of blowing heat, checking to ensure that the system is properly calibrated for air conditioning is essential to its proper operation.
- Inspect all components and clean or replace them if necessary. Fans, vents and drains can all accumulate gunk or simply wear out over time. A thorough inspection can catch wear-outs before they become burnouts.
- Clean or change all filters. Properly cleaning these filters, or changing filters when necessary, can increase your air conditioner’s efficiency by up to 15 percent!
A thorough multi-point inspection by a HomeSquare licensed and insured technician goes above and beyond basic heating and air conditioning service. HomeSquare’s HVAC maintenance services include more than a dozen points of inspection, cleaning and repair. Contact HomeSquare or download the HomeJotter app to learn more about handyman services!
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